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Roman Imperatorial: Julius Caesar (43-33 BC)

Julius Caesar, AR Denarius, 49-48 BC, Military Mint Traveling with Caesar
Elephant walking right, trampling Gallic war trumpet (carnyx)
(No legend)
Simpulum, aspergillum, axe surmounted by a dog or wolf head, flamen's cap
18mm x 19mm, 3.95g
Crawford 443/1; Caesar 49; Sydenham 1006 

Note: Seaby describes the obverse type referring to Caesar's recent victories in Gaul and the reverse to his office as Pontifex Maximus. Also note - the obverse artifact being trampled is still hotly debated today. Personally, I believe it's a Gallic war trumpet (carnyx), which ties in nicely to the overall theme instead of a serpent, winged serpent, horned serpent or dragon as is often attributed.

Julius Caesar, AR Denarius, 49-48 BC, Military Mint Traveling with Caesar
Elephant walking right, trampling Gallic war trumpet (carnyx)
(No legend)
Simpulum, aspergillum, axe surmounted by a dog or wolf head, apex (flamen's cap)
17mm x 19mm, 3.87g
Crawford 443/1; Caesar 49; Sydenham 1006

Julius Caesar, AR Denarius, 49-48 BC, Military Mint Traveling with Caesar
Elephant walking right, trampling Gallic war trumpet (carnyx)
(No legend)
Simpulum, aspergillum, axe surmounted by a dog or wolf head, flamen's cap
18mm x 19mm, 3.83g
Crawford 443/1; Caesar 49; Sydenham 1006

Julius Caesar, AR Denarius, 49-48 BC, Military Mint Traveling with Caesar
Elephant standing right, trampling Gallic war trumpet (carnyx)
(No legend)
Culullus, aspergillum, securis surmounted by a dog or wolf head, apex
17mm x 18mm, 3.66g
Crawford 443/1; Caesar 49; Sydenham 1006

Note: Die break on obverse in right field.

Roman Imperatorial, Julius Caesar, AR Denarius, 49-48 BC, Military Mint Traveling with Caesar
Elephant standing right, trampling Gallic war trumpet (carnyx)
(No legend)
Culullus, aspergillum, securis surmounted by a dog or wolf head, apex, Cross graffiti in field
18mm x 19mm, 3.17g
Crawford 443/1; Caesar 49; Sydenham 1006
Ex Midwest "Coins of Christianity" Collection

Roman Imperatorial, Julius Caesar, AR Denarius, 49-48 BC, Military Mint Traveling with Caesar
Elephant standing right, trampling Gallic war trumpet (carnyx)
(No legend)
Culullus, aspergillum, securis surmounted by a dog or wolf head, apex
18mm x 19mm, 3.54g
Crawford 443/1; Caesar 49; Sydenham 1006

Consignor notes: Area of flatness as typical, well-centered with minimal wear, choice old toning - very nice example of the issue.

Julius Caesar, AR Denarius, 48-47 BC, Military Mint Traveling with Caesar
T II (T upside down)
Diademed female head (Clementia?) right, wearing oak-wreath, hair decorated with jewels, cruciform earring and pearl necklace
Gallic trophy, wearing horned helmet, oval shield ornamented with thunderbolt in right hand, carnyx in left; axe surmounted by wolf's head to right
19mm x 20mm, 4.03g
Crawford 452/2; CRI 11; Sydenham 1009; Kestner 3558-3559; BMCRR Rome 3955-3958; RSC 18

Note: The obverse legend means 52 - Julius Caesar's age when this issue was minted.

Julius Caesar, AV Aureus, 46 BC, Rome Mint, A Hirtius as Praetor
Veiled head of Vesta right
Lituus, capis and securis
19mm x 22mm, 8.11g
Crawford 466/1; Julia 23; Sydenham 1017

Julius Caesar, AR Denarius, Early 46 BC, Utica (?)
Head of Ceres right wearing grain ear wreath
Simpulum, aspergillum, capis, lituus
M in right field
18mm x 20mm, 3.87g
Crawford 467/1b; CRI 57a; Sydenham 1024; Kestner 3639-40; BMCRR Africa 23-5; RSC 4
Ex Kirk Davis

Julius Caesar, AR Denarius, 46-45 BC, Military Mint Traveling with Caesar in Spain
(No legend)
Diademed head of Venus right wearing necklace and earring, Cupid behind her shoulder
Trophy of Gallic arms between two captives seated on ground
17mm x 19mm, 3.96g
Crawford 468/1; CRI 58; Sydenham 1014; RSC 13

Julius Caesar, AR Denarius, 46-45 BC, Military Mint Traveling with Caesar in Spain
(No legend)
Diademed head of Venus right wearing necklace, Cupid behind her shoulder
Trophy of Gallic arms between two captives seated on ground
18mm x 20mm, 3.90g
Crawford 468/1; CRI 58; Sydenham 1014; RSC 13

Julius Caesar, AR Denarius, 46-45 BC, Military Mint Traveling with Caesar in Spain
(No legend)
Diademed head of Venus right wearing necklace, Cupid behind her shoulder
Trophy of Gallic arms between two captives seated on ground
18mm x 19mm, 3.66g
Crawford 468/1; CRI 58; Sydenham 1014; RSC 13

Julius Caesar, AR Denarius, 44 BC, Rome, L. Aemelius Buca as Moneyer
Laureate head of Julius Caesar right
Venus standing left, Victory left in right hand, vertical scepter in left
16mm x 21mm, 3.84g
Crawford 480/8; Sydenham 1061; RSC 23
Ex Harlan J Berk